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About me

Hello, I am Nadia Ghafour born to a Kuwaiti father from a traditional merchant family and a German mother.
I have spent my life between two cultures oriental and occidental, which gave me a love for people and societies, embracing diversity.
My deepest wish would be to see no boundary between race and culture in a world where mankind aims at preserving nature and the environment.

This is what I stand for in My ART.

I have experienced what hate; prejudice and greed can do among people, to societies and nations.

This is portrayed in my theme of PETROL and Wo-MEN, where I bring forth political and social issues revolving around women equality, manmade wars and the depletion of natural resources causing environmental hazards.

After travelling to Argentina, I have been touched by the immense diverse landscape. Especially, Mendoza with its vineyards encrusted in the high Andes mountains gave me the inspiration to capture the essence of wine-making and to translate this in my art.

“I love playing with intense colours. Each colour represents a message to express my feelings of issues in society. I layer and glaze colours upon colours on my canvas to depict vibrant emotions.
I use discarded objects and natural resources such as seaweed in my artwork in order to emphasize a message hoping the viewer will not remain indifferent.”